Rail Infrastructure and Repair Liquid Coating Systems

The original car park may have been left as bare concrete when new and you can see the effects of salt damage from car tyres during the winter.
Often a coating system was originally applied and is either damaged due to incorrect application or incorrect original system specification, or the system has just outlived its original planned lifespan and is wearing through or delaminating.

Correct removal, preparation and specification of the replacement system is very important. The system has to bond to the old prepared substrate, resist vehicular traffic for many years, be flexible to accommodate movement, and also able to be installed throughout the year in summer and winter.
We have several systems for this application, depending on requirements.
Our fast cure technology systems mean extremely short downtimes. The area can be closed at midnight, prepared, a new system applied overnight and open to traffic again in the morning.
See EleDeck ID Fast and EleDeck MMA Refurb Top Deck System.
After a period of time roofs often start to leak and a refurbishment solution is needed. Correct specification of a roofing system is very important. The system has to bond to the old substrate, be flexible to accommodate movement, last 10-25 years in inclement weather, resist UV rays, and able to be installed throughout the year in summer & winter. These solutions fit for platform roofs, station roofs and even electric substation roofs.
The best technology to meet these needs is MMA/PUMA systems based on methyl methacrylate technology. Our EleRoof PUMA System is fully rainproof after as little as 30 minutes and cures down to zero degrees centigrade. This means you can apply in the middle of summer or winter, all year round even if you know it is going to snow or rain a few hours later.

As an exposed roof its also important to have the B-Roof T4 test which is a spread of flame test. Our system achieves a pass on this test so you can be confident of complying with regulatory requirements.

The concrete on the platforms or maintenance areas can often be damaged from weather, maintenance wear and tear plus general damage. We have two options for concrete repairs:
EleFloor Epoxy Mortar – for general repairs where the area can be closed off to allow overnight cure. Epoxy mortar is tougher than the original concrete and bonds tenaciously to the old prepared concrete.
EleFloor Fast MMA Mortar – a preblended MMA system for the ultimate in rapid repairs. It can be used down to zero degrees and after uses the area can be Reopened to traffic after 30-45 minutes.

There area many areas of rail infrastructure where there are slip hazards, like stairways, platform edges, ramps etc. We can help with a number of options to reduce your risks and avoid claims. We have fast cure MMA coatings, apply in a bright yellow, scatter aggregate and 30 minutes later its cured and ready for foot traffic. We can also offer preformed cut to size GRP steps, sheets and edges.

With our full range of industrial and commercial flooring products we can offer a range of solutions for concourse refurbishment. These include decorative epoxy or MMA industrial decorative finishes, hard wearing and attractive to combine aesthetics and functionality.
We also provide epoxy damp proof membranes and levelling compounds where vinyl or tiles will be overlaid.

The rail facility may also have responsibility for the maintenance of cycle and foot bridges around the station and infrastructure. We have the perfect solution, that offers long lasting results combined with a short down time. You can refurbish the bridge during the night and have it open again in the morning using our
ElePrufe MMA Cycle & Footbridge System.

There area typically thousands of linear metres of floor joints in rail facilities that need maintenance and control.
Floor joints are a common source of failure and we have a range of cold applied technologies including bitumen modified polyurethane, epoxy, polysulphide and more, with a mix of 1 and two component systems.

The buildings themselves often have failing façade joints (or for new build sealing is essential) and we have a range of silicones or our flagship product EleSeal Isocyanate Free PU sealant. These sealants are designed to resist the weather and UV and also accommodate reasonable movement of the structure. The product skins over quickly to avoid dirt pickup during cure.
For further information and an overall product design specification on these or any of our systems please contact our technical support team.
Telephone: 0800 7022176
Email: info@clevershield.co.uk