Water & Petrochemical Storage Tank Repair
Picture this: you're faced with a massive storage tank replacement bill, something to the tune of £250,000. It's a staggering figure, isn't it? But, what if we told you there's a better way? A way that could save you a significant amount of money and still provide you with a reliable, safe storage solution.
That's right, most tanks can actually be restored and repaired. We have a team of registered and qualified installers who can provide a cost-effective solution that's been proven to work. And the best part? It comes with a manufacturer's warranty, all for a fraction of the replacement cost!
These coating solutions have been used by many UK water companies, including Southern Water, Thames Water and Wessex Water, The Environment Agency, NHS, MoD, Hilton Hotels, Marriott Hotels and many many more as a long term lining for their drinking water and waste water tanks.
We have a range of coatings that can be used to line and repair all sorts of storage tanks. Whether it's drinking water (WRAS/DWI Approved) - and waste water tanks, or those used in the Petrochemical industry that can't be welded, we've got you covered.
Our registered installers are on most framework agreements and can provide quotations for most industrial coatings what ever the industry sector. Including Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Marine, Paper & Pulp, Water, Power Generation & Chemical Industries.
We provide lining solutions for steel, sectional steel, and concrete storage tanks. These Chemical Coatings are suitable for contact and full immersion conditions for a wide range of industrial chemicals.
So, if you're interested in finding out more about storage tank repairs and maintenance or indeed, any of our industrial coating solutions don't hesitate to contact our customer services team on 0800 702 2176 or drop us an email at info@clevershield.co.uk.