Cementitious Waterproofers and Additives

16 products

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 products

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 products
Save £17.41 inc.VAT
Enviroseal 5 Litre Enviroseal Waterproof Exterior PaintEnviroseal Liquid Water Repellent - Damp Proofing
Wykamol Enviroseal 5 Litre
Sale price£16.19 inc.VAT Regular price£33.60 inc.VAT
Flexproof 106B NV Mastic 7.5KG Flexproof 106B NV Mastic 7.5KG (Horizontal) - 7.5 KG -
Newton Waterproofing Flexproof 106 NV
Sale price£250.39 inc.VAT
Flexproof 106B X-1 Mastic 15KG (Vertical) - 15 KG - Highly
Save £4.92 inc.VAT
Flexproof 106 X-1C 290ml Highly Advanced Flexible LVFlexproof 106 X-1C 290ml Highly Advanced Flexible LV
Newton Waterproofing Newton Flexproof 106 X-1C
Sale price£24.88 inc.VAT Regular price£29.80 inc.VAT
Save £14.19 inc.VAT
FlexProof 106 Primer A polyurethane-based primer that improves the adhesion of Newton FlexProof 106 to porous substrates, and should always be used when concrete has been ground.FlexProof 106 Primer A polyurethane-based primer that improves the adhesion of Newton FlexProof 106 to porous substrates, and should always be used when concrete has been ground.
Newton Waterproofing FlexProof 106 Primer
Sale price£84.49 inc.VAT Regular price£98.68 inc.VAT
Save £36.82 inc.VAT
FlexProof 106 Reinforcing Scrim 250mm x 50m  WATERPROOFING PERFORMANCE - JOINTS FlexProof 106 has tremendous waterproofing capabilities and these can be increased further with the inclusion of FlexProof Scrim to reinforce the membrane at the construction joint. Please see table below for data on both non-reinforced and reinforced FlexProof-X1 when applied to construction joints.
Newton Waterproofing FlexProof 106 Reinforcing Scrim
Sale price£61.86 inc.VAT Regular price£98.68 inc.VAT
Save £34.59 inc.VAT
No More Damp Tanking Slurry - Waterproofing for Concrete &No More Damp Tanking Slurry - Waterproofing for Concrete &
Wykamol Wykamol Tanking Slurry
Sale priceFrom £27.99 inc.VAT Regular price£62.58 inc.VAT
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Save £20.24 inc.VAT
Wykamol Microsealer - Surface TreatmentsWykamol Microsealer Anti Lime Water Repellant Barrier fro
Wykamol Wykamol Microsealer Anti Lime
Sale price£46.44 inc.VAT Regular price£66.68 inc.VAT
Save £19.56 inc.VAT
Wykamol Salt Neutraliser Salt Neutraliser Plaster AdditiveNo More Damp Salt Neutraliser - Surface Treatments
Wykamol Wykamol Salt Neutraliser
Sale price£39.31 inc.VAT Regular price£58.87 inc.VAT
Save £30.00 inc.VAT
Enviroseal 25 Litre Enviroseal Waterproof Exterior PaintEnviroseal Liquid Water Repellent - Damp Proofing
Wykamol Enviroseal 25 Litre
Sale price£53.99 inc.VAT Regular price£83.99 inc.VAT
Save £18.64 inc.VAT
SBR Latex - Chemical and Water Resistance Additive SBRSBR Latex - Damp Proofing
Wykamol SBR Latex - Chemical and Water Resistance Additive
Sale priceFrom £18.99 inc.VAT Regular price£37.63 inc.VAT
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Save £27.24 inc.VAT
Renderproof Cement Additive - Damp ProofingRenderproof Cement Additive - Renderproof 1 Litre in Pink -
Wykamol Renderproof Waterproof Cement Additive
Sale priceFrom £7.54 inc.VAT Regular price£34.78 inc.VAT
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Save £4.73 inc.VAT
MCS3 Fungicidal Additive MCS3 Fungicidal and Anti MouldMCS3 Fungicidal Additive MCS3 Fungicidal and Anti Mould
Wykamol MCS3 Fungicidal Additive
Sale price£8.22 inc.VAT Regular price£12.95 inc.VAT
Save £11.24 inc.VAT
Elastic Adhesive for Hydrophilic Waterbars  A durable, fast-curing and elastic adhesive that bonds without primer to most construction materials, including aluminium, galvanized and stainless steel, zinc, copper, natural stone, concrete, brick and cement-based cover sheeting.
Newton Waterproofing Newton Hydrotank 309-M
Sale price£15.75 inc.VAT Regular price£26.99 inc.VAT
Save £2,200.01 inc.VAT
Urespray P-500 is primarily used for construction and industrial applications. It is mainly used to waterproof and protect:  - Landscaped roofs and facades  - Pitched or flat roofs  - Flat, trafficable roofs; balconies; terraces; parking areas; other roof types and concrete structures  - Roofs and pavements exposed to vehicular trafficSynthesia polyurea adheres to any surface thanks to its versatility, which makes it the ideal product for application on irregular areas.  It also adheres to any type of material: cement, concrete, polyurethane, wood, metal, etc.  This product is extremely hard, wear-resistant and characterised by its great durability, being inert to temperature fluctuations.  It is a waterproofing system with a uniform finish, which makes for an easy-to-maintain surface.
Synthesia Synthesia Urespray P-500 Pure Polyurea
Sale price£3,799.99 inc.VAT Regular price£6,000.00 inc.VAT
Save £13.06 inc.VAT
CDM 906 Lime Inhibitor Lime Inhibitor For Application To Concrete Surfaces – Applied to concrete surfaces prior to the installation of a Newton cavity drain membrane waterproofing system to prevent the ‘leaching’ of free lime from the concrete.CDM 906 Lime Inhibitor Lime Inhibitor For Application To Concrete Surfaces – Applied to concrete surfaces prior to the installation of a Newton cavity drain membrane waterproofing system to prevent the ‘leaching’ of free lime from the concrete.
Newton Waterproofing Newton CDM Lime Inhibitor 1ltr
Sale price£46.93 inc.VAT Regular price£59.99 inc.VAT

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